Fwd: 78 new messages in 37 topics - abridged

Active Topics

ASP.NET General Doubts. - 1 new
Thanks for ur info. i have another set of questions , they are: 1) How to
check for single log on to the application, i.e i should check to see whether
the user has already logged in with the same user name ? 2) and also can i
know if the user has visited the page thru back button click ? Regards, - Sat,
Jul 29 2006 12:26 am
1 message, 1 author

I guess a simple question but I cant find it :-( - 1 new
You are more than welcome, klass :-) Regards, Alessandro Zifiglio [link] "
Klaas" <NoS...@klaas.com> ha scritto nel messaggio - Sat, Jul 29 2006 10:01 am

1 message, 1 author

Run Dos command in Asp.Net applications - 2 new
Checkout System.Diagnostics.Process API System.Diagnostics.Processp = new
Systems.Diagnostics.Process(); p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.
StartInfo.FileName = "cmd"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = "..."; // Your command and
args here p.StartInfo.RedirectStandartOu tput = true; p.Start(); p.WaitForExit(
); - Sat, Jul 29 2006 10:19 am
2 messages , 2 authors

Loop through textboxes in a gridview - 1 new
Could you please give me an example of the syntax to be used? - Sat, Jul 29
2006 1:34 am
1 message, 1 author

No events with "background-color:transparent" style - 1 new
(Follow-ups set) ...You have three syntax errors in that line alone. [link] [
link] ...The usual (and horribly hackish) way to achieve that is to use the
value of the field to act as the label and fiddle with it using JavaScript
when the - Sat, Jul 29 2006 9:53 am
1 message, 1 author

Hi! Having Problem while placing vb and cs files together - 5 new
Hi! Thx Juan T. Llibre!! The solution worked !!!!! - Sat, Jul 29 2006 2:23 am
5 messages , 3 authors

ASP.Net Object Life - 2 new
Sorry to be so "persistant", but this effects how I design my whole app.
Demetri seemed to hit the nail on the head when he wrote, "If I understand
what you wrote correctly, then it appears you're building the Person class in
each Page_Load event execution of the PersonControl.ascx page. That would
explain why it appears to be - Sat, Jul 29 2006 3:03 am
2 messages , 1 author

Problem in Deleting Files - 2 new
I am Developing a Web Application with ASP.NET 1.1 I have one project Folder
which is virtual directory of IIS. In this directory, I have one Folder named
Photos in which I used to Store Photos. On my Web Page, I have a button named
delete which I used to delete photo in the folder. But when I click the button
and apply the logic to delete the file, it - Sat, Jul 29 2006 3:57 pm
2 messages , 2 authors

Database Authentication (Second Send) - 2 new
this can be helpful [link] Regards Nasir - Sat, Jul 29 2006 3:40 am
2 messages , 2 authors

Beginner's problem: A problem with pre-filled forms - 4 new
Hello! I'm building an application where the user can update his own personal
information in a database using a form. The program fetches the user's
information from the database, fills the form with this information, then the
user makes the changes that he wants, clicks the "Update" button and the
updated information is sent back to the database. But I have a - Sat, Jul 29
2006 2:11 pm
4 messages , 4 authors

newbie: problems deploying asp.net 2.0 app - 1 new
hey asp.net 2.0 I've deloyed my asp.net 2.0 app to my server (windows server
2003)... One of the pages in my asp.net app has a CreateUserWizard, in which I
on the server creates (I didn't get any errors, but I haven't verifyed this in
the database - I don't know how to do that) a user. Then I try to login using
a Login control... I type in the correct username - Sat, Jul 29 2006 2:04 pm
1 message, 1 author

IP to location lookup - 3 new
You might want to use the IP2Location .NET Control for .NET 2.0. [link] - Sat,
Jul 29 2006 5:58 am
3 messages , 3 authors

Refering to <asp:> webcontrols - 3 new
Hey, Question, how can i create client-side javascript that refers to a asp.
net webcontrol. For example set the focus of a textbox lik this. <asp: TextBox
ID="Textbox1" /> (client side) <script javascript> Textbox1.focus(); </script>
this wont't work, couse the webcontrol textbox1 has a diferent ID in the - Sat,
 Jul 29 2006 3:05 pm
3 messages , 3 authors

changing value of html control from c# code in asp.net website - 9 new
as per requirments this might not be possible in my case....Does any body has
idea at any one of the following: 1) To check if a server control radiobutton
checked or not , using the javascript, each time page is loaded....If u know
tell me wht all steps need to be taken. 2) or to change the value of a hidden
html variable from inside the c# - Sat, Jul 29 2006 7:09 am
9 messages , 2 authors

Using Stored Procedure in SqlDataSource Won't Workd - 5 new
I don't think your comment applies ... remember, I get the rows when I do a
Test Query in th SqlDataSource control, which is the datasource of the
GridView, but no rows when I run the web app. - Sat, Jul 29 2006 8:12 am
5 messages , 2 authors

Database Authentication - 2 new
SQL Server has its own security rules. Your applications (in VB, or other lang.
) simply follow those rules. Basically, you only need to choose to use "
UserName/Password" pair on the connectionString (SQL Server security) or not
to use(Windows security). You need to study SQL Server to undestand how - Sat,
Jul 29 2006 8:16 am
2 messages , 2 authors

Show HTML String - 2 new
...I'd suggest using the text property of the Label control Peter Kellner [
link] - Sat, Jul 29 2006 11:59 am
2 messages , 2 authors

Problem setting css style using relative path - 2 new
I'm having trouble setting a background style in a master page. The
declaration in the master page looks like this: <div id="header_image" runat="
server" style="background: transparent url(images/bg_header.jpg) repeat-x
scroll 0% 0%;;cursor: pointer;"> </div> I tried adding runat="server" as well
as changing the url to - Sat, Jul 29 2006 12:31 pm
2 messages , 2 authors

File Download - 2 new
Hi all, I've written some code which allows a user to browse a directory and
any subdirectories it contains. The page which contains this can only be
browsed by users with a certain cookie (the page checks for this before
allowing access). To stop files being downloaded through a link to them on a
server - Sat, Jul 29 2006 10:27 am
2 messages , 2 authors

Login Problem :: - 3 new
It is nor redirecting to default.aspx...What I am doing wrong?? Dim StrUser As
String, StrPass As String Dim BValid As Boolean Dim Conn As Data.SqlClient.
SqlConnection Dim strCommand As Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Dim strReader As
Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader Dim StrSQL As String - Sat, Jul 29 2006 1:51 pm
3 messages , 2 authors

Visual Studio 2005 With SQL Server 2000 - 6 new
Hello. I want the following configuration, based on the products I currently
own: VS2005 SQL Server 2000 2.0 Framework Is this possible? And are there any
problems? (i.e., is VS2005 made for SQL Server 2005?) Thanks. - Sat, Jul 29
2006 11:00 am
6 messages , 5 authors

RegularExpression Validator? - 1 new
asking for alternatives to that RegularExpression. All I want to know is HOW
does the value 90210 pass the RegularExpression [0-9]{5}-[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{5}?
The RegularExpression validates that the value in the TextBox should have any
5 numbers between 0 & 9 followed by a dash & finally followed - Sat, Jul 29
2006 11:33 am
1 message, 1 author

Learing ? - 1 new
Hi, Thanks for you reply, but I am a bit lost on it. My drop down list is not
bound, I populate it in the page_load event in the code behind file. Is there
a way in the dropdownlist.selectedindexchan ged event (on master page) to call
sub on the content page. The sub on the content page would do the work and
update the grid itself. (the grid is also unbound). - Sat, Jul 29 2006 7:47 pm

1 message, 1 author

ASPNET user - 2 new
as we know The .NET Framework runs all ASP.NET processes under the local
ASPNET account. is there anyw ay that I can change the user and instead of a
local user use a Domain user ? thnx Mahmoudreza - Sat, Jul 29 2006 10:22 pm
2 messages , 2 authors

change connection string dynamically - 1 new
Thank you George for helping:) Acutally I solved that problem about 10 days
ago, see previous posts : Here's what I did: I created a UserSession class in
my business object, which upon success of the user identification stores the
new connection string returned by my stored procedure in a member variable. -
Sat, Jul 29 2006 1:24 pm
1 message, 1 author

ideas for effective use of master pages - 1 new
I'd like some ideas from the more experienced users of master pages out there.
We have many applications, large and small, that should have the same general
look and feel to them. That is, the same header, the same footer, the same
styling, and perhaps the same functionality. What are some good ways to deploy
master pages on new applications such - Sat, Jul 29 2006 8:35 pm
1 message, 1 author

HttpModule Error event doesn't fire!! - 1 new
Hi, I have implemented global exception handler using http module by
intercepting the Error event. The code works fine on my machine but the error
event fails to fire when deployed on the test servers. The assembly containing
the http module code has full control permissions to everyone. Interestingly,
when I tried global.asax for the same purpose, the - Sat, Jul 29 2006 2:14 pm
1 message, 1 author

Saving an image from the browser - 3 new
I am using ASP.NET, VB.NET, and GDI+ to dynamically create images for webpages.
 When I right-click on the dynamically created image to try to save it to my
hard drive, which I send as ImageFormat.Gif, my browser (Internet Explorer 6.0)
 wants me to save it as a *.bmp file. The VB.NET line of code - Sat, Jul 29
2006 6:02 pm
3 messages , 3 authors

slide show in vb - 1 new
...My bad. I answer questions in different groups. Please forgive. ...From a
web client, it makes more sense to do this client side using Javascript.
Feeding it from the server doesn't make sense in the stateless web model. ...
And why would your client come back to the server to get the new image? - Sat,
Jul 29 2006 3:19 pm
1 message, 1 author

*** HELP *** Problems Accessing Simple VB.NET Access Database - 1 new
1) I have a .NET Web Application called "Lesson18b" under "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\
Lesson18b" . 2) I have one Web Form on this Lesson called "Form18b.aspx" 3) In
this same Folder under Inetpub I have the famous NorthWinds Access Database
called "FPNWIND.MDB" 4) I add an OleDBConnection called OleDBConnection1. I
set the "New - Sat, Jul 29 2006 3:40 pm
1 message, 1 author

Best way to show a crosstab in gridview ( m x n table of checkboxes) - 1 new
Hi there It seems I've spotted interesting problem in a job I've got to do. I
have 3 tables: meals, employees, and intersecting table: meals_for_employees
with bool field meaning, that given employee wants a given meal. employees ----
------------- emp_id name meals -------------- meal_id name meals_for_
employees - Sat, Jul 29 2006 4:38 pm
1 message, 1 author

aspnet_regsql - 1 new
hey asp.net 2.0 I have created several asp.net 2.0 projects on my development
box (small projects). Now I want to deploy one of my projects to a live server.
 This project is using a aspnetdb.mdf database. I've read that I need to use
aspnet_reqsql to deploy this sql database over to the live server.... - Sun,
Jul 30 2006 3:09 am
1 message, 1 author

Access DB error message when using ASP.NET 2.0 - 1 new
Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me with this problem. I've been using
VWD and my webhost ( a shared hosting package) have told me that the MSQL
express files wont work on thier server so I've tried switching to Access and
I cant add or delete new records either locally or on thier server. - Sun, Jul
30 2006 2:27 am
1 message, 1 author

problem: redirect to login page only remotely - 1 new
I am getting exactly the same problem, does anybody have a solution or walk
around? - Sat, Jul 29 2006 6:56 pm
1 message, 1 author

Does Anyone Have a VB.NET WEB APP to link to an Access Database? - 1 new
I'm trying to get a simple VB.NET "Web Application" (not a regular application)
 to work with an Access Database. Seems simple enough, but I cannot seem to
get it working. If anyone has a simple example that they can send me it would
be very much appreciated. Drop me an email at: samadams_2...@yahoo.ca - Sat,
Jul 29 2006 8:28 pm
1 message, 1 author

Issue with CustomAttribute in a derived class of DropDownList - 1 new
Hello All, I am deriving from a DropDownList and one of the properties is a
CustomAttribute that I am trying to set. Basically, i would like one of the
controls on the current form to be the value of that property. Here's the
property snippet within the DerivedDropDownList [ Category("Class1") - Sun,
Jul 30 2006 12:54 am
1 message, 1 author

Req HR/SAP/SysAna/SAP/J2EEConst/JAVADev/Tech Fac/CustSupp/SerSour/TrnMgr/
BussAna/SoftProdPromo/WritingTechDocu/AccoutAstt.... - 1 new
Hi Dear Members, FOLLOWING R THE JOBS OF THIS WEEK : HR Opening Career Centers
SAP FICO Rixyncs Systems analyst - Siebel Rixyncs SAP PP Rixyncs J2ee
consultant Rixyncs SAP APO Rixyncs Java developers Infra-Tech Consultants
Technical Faculty Infysys Academy Customer Support S-APPSYS service and
sourcing maruti true value - Sat, Jul 29 2006 9:57 pm
1 message, 1 author


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