Active Topics
Uploading a directory instead of a file - 8 new
I'd like to allow a user to point out a directory. There's facility for
pointing to a file, FileUpload, but there's nothing to get the path to a given
folder. How can that be solved (Silverlight is not an option). Konrad
Viltersten - Wed, May 7 2008 12:05 am
8 messages , 3 authors
FileName - 4 new
Hi I m facing a strange issue with filename I am attaching an attachment (may
be a notepad file, video file or whatever) through a dummy customer page (
customer.html) using a text box on this page. I am getting the problem that my
code is taking the entire path as file name instead of that only name of
attachment file name e.g. it should take only - Wed, May 7 2008 12:27 am
4 messages , 4 authors
How do I loop this in a FOR loop - 2 new
UserTable.Rows[i].FindControl( "txtSample" + i).Visible = true; Your txtSample
was inside brackets and the whole lot was inside quotes, so you were literally
looking for a control called (txtSample)+(i) - Wed, May 7 2008 1:08 am
2 messages , 2 authors
Newbie VB ADO.Net Code to retrieve data from SQL table - 2 new
I have created a table on SQL Server at GoDaddy with the following 3 fields:
ConstantID (e.g. WELCOME_MESSAGE) LanguageID (e.g. EN-US) LanguageText (e.g. "
Hi and welcome to my new website") The goal is that to make the website multi-
lingual from the outset. Instead of having "Hi and welcome to my new website"
on the homepage, I'll use: - Wed, May 7 2008 2:11 am
2 messages , 2 authors
what have I broke? - 1 new
Hi Steven / Peter Thank you for your follow ups. I tried everything you
suggested to no avail. Quite embarrasingly, a few hours of trying to fix it
later, I noticed one of the page class names didn't seem right. It *appears* I
must have caught the mouse cursor and deleted part of a class name, because I
checked that against the page, fixed it to match... and it - Wed, May 7 2008 3:
24 am
1 message, 1 author
Problem with retrieving cookie in - 2 new
...Does this work: ? txt_unm.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(Request.Cook ies("
CTUserName").Value) - Wed, May 7 2008 3:26 am
2 messages , 2 authors
DropDownList events not firing - 5 new
Hi there, I have a web form with some DropDownList controls that I am trying
to trap the selection change and run the attached server code. However, even
thought the controls have the runat property set to server, the event code
does not get executed. Anyone have any ideas? - Wed, May 7 2008 3:28 am
5 messages , 3 authors
System.IO.IOException: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is
incorrect. - 2 new
Can you reple me the soltuion? From [link] Posted via
Groups [link] - Wed, May 7 2008 6:02 am
2 messages , 2 authors
FormView with DropDownList - 2 new
Hi, I have a database with Entries with many Categories (one to many). Entries
are shown by FormView. How can i show a DropDownList with Categories to choose
for every Entry? Thanks in advance, Etam. - Wed, May 7 2008 6:04 am
2 messages , 2 authors ? on splitting a column - 1 new
Hello mattb, DataCollumnExpression?! [link] --- WBR, Michael Nemtsev [.NET/C#
MVP] :: blog: [link] "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim
is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it" (c)
Michelangelo - Wed, May 7 2008 6:55 am
1 message, 1 author
Cache-control and Expires headers - 1 new
I am having the exact same problem. I am using VS2008 (.Net 3.5) and I can't
set the Expires date out any further than one day. Doing a little reflection,
I see that in the HttpCachePolicy class, SetExpires() method, if the expires
is already set, it will only change if the new expiration date is less than
the existing one. - Wed, May 7 2008 7:08 am
1 message, 1 author
Try/Catch for Events - 3 new
I am trying to capture event exceptions using try/catch. I can get all
exceptions with: protected void dv_PR_ItemInserted(object sender,
DetailsViewInsertedEventArgs e) { if (e.Exception != null) { lbl_Errors.Text =
e.Exception.Message.ToString() ; e.ExceptionHandled = true; } else { Response.
Redirect("~/PR/PR_Ite m.aspx?PR=" + tb_tPR.Text); - Wed, May 7 2008 7:16 am
3 messages , 2 authors
Database issue - 3 new
I'm trying to build a hit counter that does what I want using an Access
database named counters.mdb which contains 2 tables. The only one involved
here is page_count. Here is the code for the aspx test page. ==================
============ = <%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" runat="server"%> <%@ import
Namespace="System.Data.OLEDB" %> - Wed, May 7 2008 7:32 am
3 messages , 2 authors
How to make a multi-line textbox to fill gridview's column in edit view? - 1
Hi, I have a multi-line textbox in a gridview when in edit mode. The textbox (
rendered as textarea in browser) set cols to 20 by default. I'd like the
textbox to 'adjust' itself to the width of the column. There are cases when
the column is much wider than the textbox. I could programmatically set - Wed,
May 7 2008 7:41 am
1 message, 1 author
Ajax error when using response.write() [RESOLVED] - 1 new
Well damn Bruce! I think you just saved me a lot of time and frustration!
Thanks! It's often something small, isn't it? - Wed, May 7 2008 8:33 am
1 message, 1 author
Mini code executer/testing app thing/widget? - 2 new
...Well, given we're a shop, I kind of have to stick with vb. net ;o)
IronRuby...that'd definitely interesting, but I struggle to see the appeal in
those. Why not just switch to RoR? I suppose it's useful to existing Ruby
developers, I guess. f#? Hadn't heard of that one. Learned something new! -
Wed, May 7 2008 8:36 am
2 messages , 2 authors
'securing' cookies/login info - 2 new
...good old properties. so, I assume properties don't have the 'shared' issue
with them being shared across the application by each user? If so, that
certainly sounds like the best 'band aid' solution for this project until it
can be rewritten. -Darrel - Wed, May 7 2008 8:37 am
2 messages , 2 authors
Test post: Paypal - 2 new
Just a test post to see if the mere act of mentioning paypal gets my message
excluded from this forum. I ave tried twice today to ask question regarding
cross-site posting to paypal but the message never shows up :( - Wed, May 7
2008 8:47 am
2 messages , 2 authors
VS 2005 can not publish - 1 new
An error occurred loading a configuration file: Failed to start monitoring
changes to 'F:\VBNETTEST\WebAimsSystem\AI MSSystem\bin' because the network
BIOS command limit has been reached. For more information on this error,
please refer to Microsoft knowledge base article 810886. Hosting on a UNC -
Wed, May 7 2008 9:18 am
1 message, 1 author
Problem with session variables - 2 new
Hello I have an ASP.NET app (VS 2005) that requires users to login and then
presents some private information to users. The user identity is kept after
login by session variables. (cookies) Everything goes OK as long as users
connect directly to the web server. However, when conecting thru an ISA server,
sometimes one user sees - Wed, May 7 2008 9:34 am
2 messages , 2 authors
Speed up my nested repeater! - 1 new
Anyone? I'd appreciate any advice you all may have. Thanks - Wed, May 7 2008 9:
41 am
1 message, 1 author
Menu/SiteMap question - visibility - 2 new
Let's say I have an ASP.Net menu, with a datasourceID of a siteMapPath, which
of course is based on a web.sitemap file Based on the person logged into the
page, I have code in files in the App_Code folder which gets their job code,
by which I need to let some people see some things (some root nodes and
sometimes it's a sub node) and - Wed, May 7 2008 9:55 am
2 messages , 2 authors
How to float a menu on the right within a div? - 2 new
Hi, I have a div to provide a background image for a menu. I'd like to
position the menu on the right side but I can't seem to find a right way of
doing it. The only way the menu will move to the right if I set text-align=
right in the div. The problem is that menu items are then also aligned on
right - Wed, May 7 2008 9:58 am
2 messages , 1 author
Authenticate against Active Directory - 2 new
I am modifying an app for a customer in ASP.Net 1.1. The app is running on a
server outside their network, yet they want to authenticate users against
their internal active directory set up (they will open the necessary ports).
So, I have a simple login page with username and password, and then I will -
Wed, May 7 2008 9:59 am
2 messages , 2 authors
ObjectDataSource - Select - Nullable parameter - 3 new
Hello, Have an objectdatasource with a method much like this: public
SomeDataSet.MyDataTable getMyDataTable(int? pkID) { if (pkID == null) return
adapater.GetMyTable("ALL") else return adapter.GetMyTable("SING") ...When I
configure the objectdatasource I tell it to call this method for the select.
In the define parameters if I give it a value of 1, or - Wed, May 7 2008 10:16
3 messages , 2 authors
textbox states with ajax anyone? - 1 new
Bruce, indeed the last Ajax extension implements history management, but it
doesn't apply to multi-page. That is, if you change webform, history points
are lost even if you come back, and this is a huge limitation in my opinion.
So "an ajax call to the server to get context info on a nav back" works - Wed,
May 7 2008 10:21 am
1 message, 1 author
FileStream file name problem. - 1 new
Hello, I have a problem with file names. When I use a fileStream to allow
users to download file from a network the spaces in the file names are being
replaced with underscores. I have no statements in my code that do so. How do
I solve this problem? thank you in advance. - Wed, May 7 2008 11:10 am
1 message, 1 author
Dynamic Web Template or Master Page? - 2 new
I am creating a HTML/ASP.NET website (using Expression Web and VS 2008). When
would I use a master page over a DWT? When dealing with an ASPX page is a
mater page better? - Wed, May 7 2008 11:37 am
2 messages , 2 authors
The page cannot be displayed - 1 new
I have several linkbuttons in my main page (default.aspx), and each of them
has a Javascript funtion that handles the click event and launch a new web
page. Some pages are launched without any parameters (a query string) (window.
open(Admin.aspx, '', 'menubar=0, resizable=1, scrollbars=1, left=0, top=0,
width=200, height=100');), some - Wed, May 7 2008 12:02 pm
1 message, 1 author
Javascript Textbox border issue - 2 new
I'm adding a Textbox with javascript, it works except for the border attribute,
any advive Thanks John var formFld = document.createElement('input' ) formFld.
setAttribute('type', 'text') formFld.setAttribute('id', txt) formFld.value =
document.getElementById(lb).in nerHTML = txt formFld.setAttribute(
'width',' 30') - Wed, May 7 2008 3:46 am
2 messages , 2 authors
publishing a .NET 3.5 site - 1 new
I published a ASP.NET 3.5 web site to my test box and its not working. The
server has 3.5 framework installed on it, but when I load the page, its
erroring out saying: 'unable to find assembley system.linq' Do I need to
install anything else on the server? - Wed, May 7 2008 12:29 pm
1 message, 1 author
ASP.NET Request Pipeline and GoF Chain of Responsibility - 3 new
More of a theoretical question here: It just occurred to me that the ASP.NET
request pipeline delivers much of the GoF Chain of Responsibility pattern.
What do you think? If it does not, then, why not? - Wed, May 7 2008 1:32 pm
3 messages , 2 authors
How to Create Drill Down on Web Page - 2 new
Can anyone provide any help on how I would create a drill down on a web page?
I want to create something like when you search for car parts the user can
navigate the drill downs and at the top of the page is says something like
this: Chevy>>2002>>Avalanche>>1500 What is the database behind it? I want to
use an Access Database to - Wed, May 7 2008 1:48 pm
2 messages , 2 authors
sql problem with updating data from a gridview - 5 new
Hi, i defined a gridview and a sqldatasource with following commands: (two
tables 'tableA' and 'tableB' are linked with field 'heure') SelectCommand="
SELECT tableA.mday, tableB.range FROM tableB INNER JOIN tableA ON tableB.heure
= tableA.heure" UpdateCommand="UPDATE tableB INNER JOIN tableA ON tableB.heure
= - Wed, May 7 2008 2:05 pm
5 messages , 3 authors
Usage of '/' in .aspx page url - 2 new
I was just browsing through Dell's website and saw usage of '/' after the aspx
page name(productdetails.aspx) in the url. e.g.:- [link] I am only familiar
with usage of the query strings using the following format:- - Wed, May 7 2008
2:16 pm
2 messages , 2 authors
Citrix "The Page cannot be displayed" - 1 new
I have the following code which works fine in IE6 and IE7 and FireFox, but
when I run IE6 on Citrix I get "The page cannot be displayed" in the iframe.
We don't have IE7 on Citrix so I can't try it. <span id="ShowReport" disabled=
"disabled" style="display:inline-block;he ight:1200px;width:880px;"> - Wed,
May 7 2008 2:19 pm
1 message, 1 author
ASP NET 2.0 Cookie - 2 new
Make sure the Path property of your cookie is set. , e.g. "/". There are minor
inconsistencies in classic ASP cookies and ASP.NET cookies. Peter - Wed, May 7
2008 5:08 pm
2 messages , 1 author
SiteMap and security trimming problems - 1 new
Hi, I have security trimming enabled in web.config and the following site map
attached to a menu: <siteMapNode roles="*" url="~/Default.aspx" title="Home"
description=""> [...] <siteMapNode roles="Administrators,Managers " title="
Admin"> <siteMapNode roles="Administrators" url="~/Admin/AdminOnly.aspx" - Wed,
May 7 2008 5:30 pm
1 message, 1 author
Displaying HTML Docs on a WebPage - 5 new
I have HTML formatted documents stored in a database. I want to display them
on a web page. However I see there is no "browser control" in asp (as there is
in windows forms). This sounds kind of stupid but is there a control that I
can load HTML into to display in a web page? Thanks, Gary - Wed, May 7 2008 5:
47 pm
5 messages , 4 authors
Type not Defined. Going crazy! - 2 new
Hello, On an ASP.NET 3.5 web site App_Code folder I have a class named
BoxesView under the namespace Engine. On an aspx page code behind I have the
following: Protected WithEvents c As New Engine.BoxesView Then I added it to
the page. BoxesView inherits composite control. I don't get any error when I
write my code. However when I build the - Wed, May 7 2008 6:46 pm
2 messages , 2 authors
XML Designer? - 1 new
na na its not as easy as that See this at : XMLEmend [link] Sure you will be
happy when you see this. Patrick - Wed, May 7 2008 7:16 pm
1 message, 1 author
Output Caching with Custom HTTP Handler - 1 new
I'm creating a custom handler that does not extend Page (only implements
IHttpHandler) - and I would like for its output to be cached to improve
runtime performance. I would like to leverage ASP.NET's output caching
capabilities that are already in place for standard Page requests. How can I
leverage the existing output caching mechanisms with my custom HTTP handler? -
Wed, May 7 2008 7:59 pm
1 message, 1 author
RedirectFromLoginPage redirect to a Different URL - 1 new
Dear All, RedirectFromLoginPage will always re-direct to the ReturnURL or
DefaultURL. And unfortunately neither one of this can be changed
programmatically. I have a need, where different users need to be re-directed
to different page after login. How can I do that? Thanks in advance. - Wed,
May 7 2008 8:33 pm
1 message, 1 author
How to display a Wait page while a query is running? - 1 new
If I am running a long time query, how to show a wait page at then? Is there
any recommended way to do it? Thanks. - Wed, May 7 2008 8:46 pm
1 message, 1 author
Writing records from xml file into dataset - 1 new
...Hi mark, Now it seems to be bit ok with the performance, I am using
XmlTextReader API to read nodes comparativelly its much faster than DataSet.
ReadXml() Regards, Deshi... - Thurs, May 8 2008 12:02 am
1 message, 1 author
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