Active Topics
Iterate through ASP.Net Ajax Tab Container ? - 1 new
Hi, For every control in Tab Panel, it just returns system.web.ui.control type,
why its not returning system.web.ui.textbox ? You can check with the
following code. Dim ctrl as new Control for each ctrl in me.tabpanel1.controls
msgbox (ctrl.gettype.tostring) Next Best Regards, Luqman "Cowboy (Gregory A.
Beamer)" <NoSpamMgbwo...@comcast.netNoS pamM> wrote in - Sat, Apr 26 2008 11:
55 pm
1 message, 1 author
No Spam !!!! test 4 - 1 new
Only a test for [link] thanks for your understanding admin microsoft-news.for- - Sat, Apr 26 2008 11:56 pm
1 message, 1 author
problem with master page and firefox - 5 new
...What does the actual HTML look like if you use view source in FireFox? Just
show the few lines with the image element if it's a large page. - Sun, Apr 27
2008 2:31 am
5 messages , 2 authors
Can't view webforms in design view in visual Studio 2005 - 2 new
I found the answer for myself, I uninstalled .net framework 2.0 service pack 1
and it all worked fine. I'm surprised more people don't have this problem. -
Sun, Apr 27 2008 2:36 am
2 messages , 2 authors
Programming Discussion Forum - 1 new
Hello All, We have started with a new programming discussion group on Gmail.
TechnicalTalk is a group dedicated to computer programming discussion,
programming tutorials, programming articles and much more. Feel free to join
this group and solve your programming queries while discussing them to other
programs in the group. - Sun, Apr 27 2008 4:06 am
1 message, 1 author
XmlDataSource caches between page loads? - 6 new
We are using an XML data source in the Page_Load event of an ASP.NET page,
like: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Retrieve XML
from web service for product idea in URL string sXML = GetXmlFromWebService(
Request[" ProductID"]); XmlDataSource ds = new XmlDataSource(); - Sun, Apr 27
2008 4:21 am
6 messages , 3 authors
how to set relative url for and hyperlink - 1 new
Hi ! I have a problem with defining a relative url, which is one of parameters
of call. Here is the situation: 1. "Parent" page called 2000 is in
subfolder of my app, the subfolder is called Z. 2. On the 2000 page there is
an asp hyperlink, which should open new window with 2010 page. But since the
window can't have browser menu - Sun, Apr 27 2008 8:44 am
1 message, 1 author
INSERT INTO with InsertParameters: Must declare the variable XXX - 1 new
The problem is the @ sign before the param name on your ControlParameter tag.
basically your command is generating the following SQL code: DECLARE @@MyTitle
as nvarchar(max) SET @@MyTitle = '<param value>' INSERT INTO Links(Title)
VALUES (@MyTitle) if you run that code you'll get that error because you
declared @@MyTitle - Sun, Apr 27 2008 9:10 am
1 message, 1 author
HttpHandlers, Server.Transfer and Session State - 1 new
I created an HttpHandler for rewritting URLs. It simply checks if the
requested page is on a list of "special" pages (that do not exist) and if it
is on the list then it will transfer to an ASPX page that will generate the
content dynamically. The problem is that after the call to Server.Transfer or
Server.Execute the - Sun, Apr 27 2008 9:24 am
1 message, 1 author
public sub (on master page) not visible after upgrade form 2.0 2005 to 2008 3.
5 - 3 new
Hi I have just upgraded a project from 2005 net 2.0 frame work to 2008 net 3.5
frame work On the (single not nested) master page I have a lable which is
wrapped in a public sub to set its text and fore colour The content pages
which inherit from the master page do not now see the public sub and give a
compile error - Sun, Apr 27 2008 9:36 am
3 messages , 3 authors
Updating with Filtered GridView - 1 new
Hi everybody, I'm just finding my way around in ASP.NET and have a proplem
with a databound gridview. I have a simple SqlDataSource returning all rows
from a table name "Accounts". The dataSource has auto-created CRUD (=Create
Read Update Delete) statements. the CRUD Operations work perfectly till i add
the following lines - Sun, Apr 27 2008 10:24 am
1 message, 1 author
JS\Hyperlink - 3 new
I am using .net v 1.1. I use the code below to dynamically create a cell with
a hyperlink and assign the link information. When I click on a link the window.
open doesn' t fire. What am I missing? cell.Width = "300"; string aID = ds.
Tables[0].Rows[J]["ID"].ToS tring(); HyperLink aLink = new HyperLink(); - Sun,
Apr 27 2008 10:35 am
3 messages , 2 authors
Presenting MOV-files and images from a DB - 5 new
I'd like to build up a HTML-document using a database BUT the tricky part is
that one of the elements is a MOV-file. The other three, four are GIF-files.
Is such data storable in a database at all? Or would it be more suitable to
create dynamic anchors to a directory where all the MOV's and GIF's are put? -
Sun, Apr 27 2008 12:03 pm
5 messages , 4 authors
stored proc probs.. - 3 new
hi all, how does one go about changing the details in the aspnetdb dbase using
the supplied stored procs? i am using vb as my language but i have no idea how
to use them, how to call them or whatever.. i got the book sql in 24 hours and
that made things worse as i really dont understand where the calls go? - Sun,
Apr 27 2008 11:59 am
3 messages , 3 authors
Exception Logging Strategy - 12 new
I plan to implement an exception logging feature in an ASP.NET Web application
that writes encountered exceptions to disk. The exception data will be stored
as XML. I am planning on having each exception written to its own XML file. I
plan to NOT append exceptions to a single XML file because I don't want for
the - Sun, Apr 27 2008 1:08 pm
12 messages , 6 authors
Adapter.DeleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery returns -1 but it works - 4 new
Hi, I have a stored procedure that deletes a record in db. I created a DataSet
(xsd) which auto-generated code for a table adapter. The adapter's select,
insert, update, and delete methods work fine except for one 'minor' problem
with Delete(). The method returns -1 although it does the job - i.e. - Sun,
Apr 27 2008 1:17 pm
4 messages , 2 authors
ObjectDataSource not calling BLL - 1 new
Thanks for the response. I have not used the ControlParameter before and will
give it a go, although in my other pages that work I do not use them. Here is
an example: <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="AssetDetailsDataSource" runat="server"
SelectMethod="GetAssetByAssetI D" TypeName="AssetsBLL" DeleteMethod="
DeleteAsset" - Sun, Apr 27 2008 4:12 pm
1 message, 1 author
ASP.NET 3.5 AJAX and default error handler - 1 new
Hi Trapulo, As for the error handling behavior, I will consider consult some
other ASPNET ajax engineers on this. Would you create a very simple ajax
project with a test page demonstrate the behavior so that I can directly refer
the code to other engineers. You can send it to me ("")
- Sun, Apr 27 2008 7:41 pm
1 message, 1 author
Can't Figure Out How To Sort On Bind - 1 new
Hi. I am returning to an old bit of code in our program and need to figure out
how to sort my columns on bind. I am sorting on Date (mostly) and some other
values. Problem is, the code is an ArrayList that seems to do some tricky
stuff with a chache object and I am unable to get any sort of sorting
happening. - Sun, Apr 27 2008 11:01 pm
1 message, 1 author
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The blog is helpfull...
visit also example
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